French Pot Roast Chicken

I learnt this French cuisine dish when I travelled in Furano in Hokkaido. The hostel owner had prepared a pot roast chicken for our dinner. The chicken was so tender and soft. Besides chicken, there were a lot of vegetables grown from Hokkaido in the cast-iron pot. The juice remaining at the bottom of the pot was fantastic and it pairs well with a bowl of Japanese rice. It is really an unforgettable dish in my life.


Video! How to make French Pot Roast Chicken


1 whole chicken
2 tbp salt
8 sprigs fresh thyme
2 carrots
4 mushrooms
2 onions
3 garlic cloves
3 potatos



1. Remove the stems from the thymes and chop them finely. Mix the thymes with salt.

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2. Rub seasoning mixture over the outside and inside of chicken. Truss the chicken with cotton string. Rest it for 2 hours.

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3. Cut the carrots, potatoes into small pieces. Peel the onions and cut into halves. Peel the garlic cloves.

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4. Heat the pan with olive oil. Sear the chicken with on all sides until golden.

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5. Pour some olive oil in the cast iron pot. Place vegetables at the bottom and chicken on the top. Cook with low heat with lid on for 1hr and 15mins.

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- You need not to add water in the pot. Juice will be coming out from the vegetables and chicken. The cast iron pot can also hold the water inside.
- Sear the chicken until golden can help releasing the fat from the chicken, thus making the dish less fatty.


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